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THISAs we don't have a Droid forum here yet, or anything for Android 2.0 AFAIK, this seemed like the best place to start the conversation. Feel free to move it, if there is a better place, but the question is specifically on networking and how two different phone OSs handle it.If you don't know what an ad-hoc network is, I'll summarize by saying that, in my lexicon, it is a way for wireless devices to form connections with each other, allowing any Internet connection on the network to be shared by all. A more precise definition is here: en.wikipedia.orgwikiMobile_ad_hoc_network See also "mesh network" and "Wifi Tethering". So.. I am considering upgrading my Titan to a Droid. Frankly, the main thing that is keeping me from doing this is that I can't give up WMWiFiRouter. WMWiFiRouter sets up an adhoc wifi network with (or without) security, thus sharing my 3g connection with all I give my network key to. After finding & buying this program, I was able to drop my $60mo (or we) EVDO card account. So. it is worth it to stay on a Titan till I am sure my phone can be used to connect my laptopnetbookwife's ipod to the Internet while I am out of my house. I work from home so if I don't have portable wifi access I go stir crazy after a few weeks. I hear "Wifi Tethering" is going to become a product for VZW, but we all know that means it could be a year or three away. Can you all help me decide if upgrading to a Droid is possible. Do any of you have any experience with ad-hoc networking on a Droid?Here's what I've found so far: It's possible to have a G1 access an ad hoc network if you "root" your phone and change ini settings to allow it. (Also assign a permanent IP address to all adhoc network members). See: modmygphoneforumsshowthread.php?t=22681I do not know if this works on Android 2.0. I do not know if Verizon has put something in place to block this. Does anyone have any experience in this area or have a Droid that they can test with?Your help would be appreciated!Additional info I've found:"Rooting" is not yet possible on a Droid. Eliminating the fix mentioned above.droidie20091110can-an...a#comment-121PDANet is a program that allows USB and bluetooth tethering on all "recently released Motorola and HTC [Android] phones" kkwwanother bug which wasn't in RTCW.FO, trying to do fire for effect, however the target is under a ledge... "can't see target".. however, if i keep pressing fire and queue up 20 "can't see target"s, and then target in open space i still hear the first 20 "can't see target"s before i finally hear "firing for effect"in RTCW it wouldn't queue up the "can't see target" sound effects.hello i know this is kind of gross but sam has pooped white this morning, twice, not mushy or slimy like when he had bad colitis, but just a small piece all white and the rest normal, he's also not been wanting to eat in the am, he sniffs his bowl and goes on about his business, he jumps plays and is not lethargic at all but this is the second day he does this, he usually eats 2 pounds of RAW a day, and he's going to be 11 mo. the 28 of Feb., should i cut back? a note on the white poo we did change his bone supplement to a different brand, could this be why he has white poo?

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