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THISWhile listening to Exogenesis Symphony: Part 1 Overture, when it kicks in simply sing 'i'm walking in the air!'When singing along to Supermassive Black Hole, replace the lyrics with 'oh baby don't you know i'm santa'.How did matt bellamy get to Bethlehem to find the new born king?He followed the guiding (star)light!Merry xmasRegister or Login to Remove this AdI am a former military band member that has a little problem. When I was in the military my right hand got crushed pretty badly, after the operations which fixed my hand but left little use of my hand (about 60% use) my tuba playing was pretty much done. the question I have is, is there any manufacturer out there can make a tuba for a left handed player even at a special order. I loved to play tuba and hope to 1 day play again. 5thIDSilly thread I know, but I am curious about how long some people have been gaming and what (if anything) will make them give it up.I'm 33, and can remember when multiplayer was 2 people flying square block aeroplanes around on Combat on my Atari console. Pacman was revolutionary back then.This was superseded by the good old Sinclair Spectrum 48 (did you Americans ever get them? Britains last *cough* great *cough* personal computer?). 14 years old and playing Ultimate's Knight Lore. Me and my mate used to draw maps for those games. When I went to Uni, we had a Sony Megadrive in one of the houses I lived in, enjoyed Sonic, but then drifted away from games, co-habited with my girlfriend, started travelling and living in different countries, and forgot all about it.So when I eventually settled in Portugal 6 years ago I was living alone and decided to get a PS1, then a PS2 and then finally a computer after going back to England, visiting my mate (the same one who I used to draw the maps with), playing MoH online, and thinking "That looks amazing!!" Thing is, he's married with 3 kids, is seriously into the MoH clan thing,and spends most of his free time playing it. What got me to thinking was sitting chatting to his 13 year old daughter while she was playing Timesplitters 2, and the conversation was kind of like:"You knew my dad when you were my age didn't you?""Yeah, I've known him since we were 7""What did you two used to do when YOU were 13?""Well, I used to go round his house, and then we'd sit in his room and play computer games"Which is exactly the same as what, 20 years later we'd been doing most of that week I know there are a lot of guys in BUF who have got kids and stuff, and I wonder if you ever think you'll give up gaming.I'm as much into it now as I ever was before, I spend at least an hour a day playing UT04 if I can, and really can't imagine myself not wanting to play anymore. I teach University students now, and it seems funny when I hear then talking about Half-Life or whatever (no-one in Portugal seems to play UT ), and the ones that know I play are initially surprised when they find out; then they think its cool. I live alone though (well, with my dog) and so don't have anything else that demands my attention at home, and though my girlfriend and I are both independant enough to be happy living doubt I''ll get married someday, and wonder if this is when gaming will fall off. Or maybe not, but will I still be playing when I'm in my 50's? Is there anyone here who is?Perhaps I'm feeling particularly reflective and introspective today as winter is starting to set in, so please don't take this thread too seriously Just idle speculation and curiosity. Any thoughts?

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