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THISRANT OF THE DAY: OPEN!This is a stupid server with stupid rules. I play there because some of the regulars are almost pros, and the excessive rules keeps riff raff to a minimum.Its run by some nitwit who thinks hes god going by the name of goat. What are the rules? Well, firstly no swearing. No really...NO SWEARING. Its a war game for crying out loud! For a tame example. If you see an engineer on oasis plant at the axis command post...for the umpteened time...sooner or later...you have to swear at the loser or he wont get the message. Saying something like "xxxxx, yknow if i was you, Id go to the guns first please" just isnt going to cut it. Another rule: No whining and complaining. Newsflash! The biggest whiner there is goat himself. If a player comments: I dont like this map. Our Herr Goat will SCREAM out in chat "IF YOU DONT LIKE THIS PLACE- GO ELSEWHERE! like 50 times...and worse, make it an ingame message. The other day I got tempbanned from there for dropping a nade while running past allied third spawn at Desert Temple. Lost about 400xp! The thing is, this is understandable because the rules say "no spawn camping"But Im a regular there...everyone knows me (not this nick btw). And I am NEVER kicked for anything except perhaps being auto-kicked for tking a tker. I could and shrug it off, but its like the last straw. A good server (more or less) run by a pathetic man.P.S Dont give me that lame line about : Its his server...he pays for it... you have no rights jazz. A Server is about 150 bucks. I dont feel overwhelming gratitude for it. And even so a certain level of cordiality should be maintained. Im a regular there after all, and a good one at that.STATUS: RANT OF THE DAY: CLOSED!Sorry for my ignorance, but is there a list of console commands for binding typical keys like various voice messages (I need ammo!, etc.) I thought I saw one in an old thread, can't find it now. I am only semi-computer literate, so I need it spoon-fed with correct syntax, spaces, etc. Thanks for your help and patience.Charlie has now been gone for two weeks. Our 4year old son has a blanket so he has kindly donated it to Fagen, who carries it around with him and sleeps on it like a pillow.Fagen has become much more affectionate and follows us around the house (cant even go to the loo without him following!)Fagen used to sleep in a basket with Charlie, he wont go in it now so he has a full 2 seater sette to himself, brand new settes I might add!!!Thanks for all your messgaes it has really helped reading them.One thing Fagen has started to do is eat the plants in the garden. Anyone any ideas how to stop that?

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